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14 Simple Ways to Cut Calories

We live in a society where most of the population could stand to shed a few pounds. While dieting can be very challenging, it’s not always necessary to adhere to a strict diet in order to see the needle move on the bathroom scale.

Simple changes can cut a significant number of calories. It’s possible to lose weight without suffering or severely restricting your food intake.

Cut calories painlessly with these strategies…

1. Lower your stress levels.

More than a few people turn to food when feeling stressed or out of sorts. Reducing the amount of stress in your life can reduce the number of calories you eat.

2. Leave a few bites on your plate.

Maybe your parents admonished you for leaving food on your plate, but you’re an adult now. Leave a couple of bites on your plate at each meal and the scale will move in your favour.

3. Order one size smaller.

Instead of ordering a large fries and large drink, get the medium. Instead of eating the largest slice of pizza, take a smaller one. A smaller latte has fewer calories than a larger one.

4. Avoid eating while watching TV.

Eat at the table without distractions. It’s much easier to eat a bag of chips while binge watching TV than to do so at the table. Put your attention on your food while eating.

5. Take half of your meal home.

Most restaurants provide more food than a person needs. Take half of your meal home with you and have it for lunch the next day.

6. Use smaller plates.

Studies show that people eat less food if they eat from a smaller plate.

7. Try cauliflower rice instead of regular rice.

Rice doesn’t have a lot of taste. Cauliflower rice has significantly fewer calories and does a reasonable job of imitating traditional rice.

8. Put chips in a bowl.

Put your chips, pretzels, crackers, and other snacks in a bowl. Avoid eating directly from the bag. You’ll eat less if you decide how much you’re going to eat before you get started.

9. Drop one item when eating out.

Instead of ordering a main item, french fries, and a salad, drop the fries. Eliminate one food or replace with extra vegetables when you eat out and you’ll eat less, or at least eat better quality food.

10. Watch the beverages.

Beverages can have a lot of calories, and those calories are easy to consume in a hurry. Water is the best beverage. It’s what your body wants and it’s calorie-free.

11. Stop when comfortably full.

You don’t have to eat until you’re stuffed. Once you’re no longer hungry, call it quits. You’ll survive until the next meal. It won’t be long. You can do it.

12. Read the labels.

Some foods have more calories than you think. Read the label of anything that you’re planning on putting into your body. Choose wisely.

13. Drop the bread and make a salad from your sandwich.

Most sandwiches are just a salad with bread on the outside. Get rid of the bread and have a salad instead.

14. Sleep more.

When you’re sleep deprived, your hormones are altered in a way that makes you hungrier. Get all the sleep your body requires and you’ll eat less. What could be an easier way of losing weight?

Cutting calories and losing weight can be relatively painless.

There are plenty of simple changes that anyone can make that lead to eating fewer calories.

In many cases, you’ll just naturally eat less without even trying. Give these tips a fair chance and you’ll like the results.


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